Monday, 30 August 2010

Poynton Whippy closed for holidays

As my daughter is getting married this week I will be away until Monday 6th September (sorry boys and girls) you will have to rely on the unlicensed chap for the week - providing Cheshire East council don't "apprehend" him first.

May the sun shine all week before the schools return. 

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Cheshire Police contact Poynton Whippy

The police contacted us today and perhaps you can help? An unlicensed rogue trader has today (Saturday 28th August 2010) left the scene of an accident (a hit and run) at Beechfield Avenue in Wilmslow. Were you a witness?

The officer I spoke to was unable to give too much detail, however, they are looking for a Pink ice cream van with the 7 dwarfs on it. Perhaps it visits your street on a regular basis, or you know the driver.

If so, please contact Cheshire Police on 0845 458 0000 and quote: incident No: 548 on the 28/8/10

Cheshire East council officer Mrs Nikki Cadman first promised to deal with unlicensed rogue traders on the 23rd of June 2010, and to date along with her enforcement colleague Allison Jackson and manager Tony Potts, all they appear to have done is stick their heads in the sand.

Stockport council act swiftly to deal with unlicensed traders, and a photograph of both the driver and the van have to be provided. Imagine how useful that would be to the Police when a situation like this arises. When will the Cheshire East council finally act? Are they waiting for a child to be run over for the driver to flee the scene?

I will gladly post any positive progress they report - but don't hold your breath.

To contact Cheshire East licensing if you see a suspicious ice cream trader e -mail to:   Nikki Cadman

Friday, 27 August 2010

Terrible weather & sunshine

It has been a poor week weather wise, however, lets stay optimistic for the bank holiday weekend. It will soon be "back to school" and "dark nights"

We will be out and about on Saturday for  the Poynton Show.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Wedding in Buxton

The poynton whippy was unable to visit Poynton today as we were attending a wedding at Hargate Hall in Buxton. we served around 120 guests prior to the ceremony and one cheeky chappie even came back for three 99's!! he knows who he is.

The forecast is dry and bright for tomorrow so it should be business as usual for Poynton kids and residents and their ice cream!!

Saturday, 14 August 2010

The great British weather

Funny old week weather wise. Made it to Poynton on Thursday but spent two hours under a tree waiting for the storm to pass. When it continued to bucket down, headed off to the Grove to meet king whippy for a coffee, again, waiting for the storm to pass. At last gave up and returned to depot - When - you guessed it - the sun came out. Took Friday off in disgust.
Back to Poynton Saturday and it was summer again.
Will be away Sunday, attending a morris dancing championship, all being well - back on Monday

Monday, 9 August 2010

East Cheshire Council promises crackdown

The newly formed East Cheshire Council have promised a crackdown on rogue traders, licensing and enforcement officers are to be joined with their Environmental Health colleagues in stamping out illegal traders who are operating with apparent impunity throughout the borough.
They have been working hard for several weeks now preparing their evidence.
It is in the public interest that all street traders are licensed, and they meet the minimum hygiene standards required by law.
 Illegal street traders pose a risk to public health as they operate unchecked. They are also defrauding the public purse by avoiding the license fees paid by bona fide traders.

Ice cream jokes

A body was found in the back of an ice cream van, it was covered in hundreds and thousands, the police think he topped himself.

The ice cream man was away for six weeks, I was sad to see him "a wafer" so long.

What"s a chav"s favourite ice cream flavour? Mint.

 "So I went down my local ice-cream shop, and said I want to buy an ice-cream'. He said Hundreds & thousands?' I said 'We'll start with one.' He said 'Knickerbocker glory?' I said 'I do get a certain amount of freedom in these trousers, yes.' 

A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlor and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool. After catching his breath, he ordered a banana split. 
The waitress asked kindly, ‘Crushed nuts?’
‘No,’ he replied, ‘Arthritis.’

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Tufty says take care going to the Ice cream van (Video)

Children and drivers should always take great care around the ice cream van as this safety video shows (some mums and dads) will have been members of the "Tufty club".

!! CLICK HERE!! To watch the safety clip

Remember  to take care, look what happened to chuffers when he got too excited at Poynton Whippy's arrival yesterday.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Chuffers fell off his bike today

He wasn't seriously hurt, but seemed to be enjoying the kind attention of a concerned elderly lady who fussed over him.
For the Poynton whippy it was business as usual, serving ice creams, sweets and drinks to the parents and kids of Poynton.